Our Solutions



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Aplex’s smart locker, Peliken, is a secured and flexible 24 x 7 self-service system that allows storage, distribution, pick-and-drop of items (e.g parcels, documents, personal stuff) without the usage of keys/RFID cards. Reporting and alerts are in-built into the system for asset management and prevention of unauthorised intrusion. It is simple to implement and provide hassle free maintenance for any occasion and location. 


Off-Grid operation

Peliken is designed to work without the need of electrical source so it will continue to function normally even if there is power failure or the lack of power.

Standalone operation

Peliken does not operate on 4G/5G/Wifi network. Every deployed Peliken uses a unique QR code for both the delivery personnel and end-customers to login and perform their individual task

Safe and secured system

As Peliken is not hooked onto the cyberspace thus there is minimal risk of cyberattack which then does not compromise the items to be retrieved by unauthorised personnel

User-friendly App-based

An intuitive and simple-to-use App for both delivery personnel and end-customers without the need for any training/instruction. The App is API-enabled for smooth integration with common software platforms

Quick deployment and removal

Peliken can be deployed at any locations, both indoor and outdoor, as it does not depend on any infrastructure (electrical power-point)

Power-less concept to reduce carbon footprint

As Peliken does not rely on any electrical power to work thus it significantly reduces carbon footprint and great saving just on electrical cost alone


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